Wednesday, January 29, 2020
In the Dream of the Man that was Dreaming, the Dreamt Man Woke Essay Example for Free
In the Dream of the Man that was Dreaming, the Dreamt Man Woke Essay By traditional definition, perception is anything that can be known through the five senses. However, this quote adds another dimension to the idea about perception. It implies that perception is not dictated by the five senses, but by the brain. If a man perceives something, he has either seen it, heard it, felt it, smelt it, tasted it, or any combination of those. A man knows that a car has crashed because he saw the collision and heard the loud noise. He knows that he likes steak through enjoying its pleasant smell and satisfying taste. In addition, he knows that fire is hot because the nervous system allows him to feel its warmth. However, one usually forgets that it is impossible to use these senses without the brain, which controls each of these perceptions. The quote serves as a supporting reminder of this idea. Arguably, the dreaming man is able to perceive a dreamt man waking up. Yet, he does not necessarily see the man with his own eyes, because his eyelids are shut. He does not hear the dreamt man with his ears; he does not feel the man with his hands, and he certainly doesnt taste or smell the man. So how is he able to perceive him? He is able to perceive him because his brain still functions, creating the image of the dreamt man waking. Now, the reason why the brain creates the image of the dreamt man is for another paper, about dream interpreting. The quote simply implies that we perceive only what our brain wants us to, and that our brain may even make us perceive what is not reality. It may be possible that we do not always know what is reality even if it is right in front of us. For example, today might feel like a cold day, yet it is still about 50-60 degrees F. However, in the winter months of January and February, a 60 degree day may not feel so cold. In fact, it would even feel warm compared to the usual freezing temperature. This is because the brain interprets what messages are sent through the nervous system, and it tells the body to feel warm because it is used to a colder temperature. Recently, due to the sniper shootings, Americas Most Wanted conducted a study which proved that the brain can affect what a witness may have seen with his or her own eyes. This is a major cause of the inconsistent eyewitness accounts of the shootings. These are just a few examples that prove that perception is under the complete control of the brain. Perception is much more than what the body is able to sense; it is how the brain interprets the information it receives through those senses. Even while the body is in slumber, the brain continues to interpret and create perceptions. Does the brain have a mind of its own?
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Elements Contributing to Othellos Role of the Tragic Hero Essay
Elements Contributing to Othello's Role of the Tragic Hero What is a tragic hero? A tragic hero is the protagonist in the play who usually is faced with some opposing force whether internal or external. In order to be a tragic hero, one has to have the following characteristics: (1) be a nobleman, prince, or person of high estate; (2) have a tragic flaw, and a weakness in judgement; and (3) fall from high to low estate. These can be seen in Shakespeare's "Othello" which discusses the downfall of a noble man because of his flaws that are not actually defects in itself, but rather the excess of a virtue. All throughout this paper, I will discuss how Othello was being said as a nobleman and how his attributes became his tragic flaws that caused his downfall. We can say that Othello is a nobleman because of the respect brought forth by the people of Cyprus in the first scene of the second act, when Montano, the Governor of Cyprus, is awaiting the arrival of Othello's ship, he remarked: " Pray heaven he be, For I have served him, and the man commands Like a full soldier†¦ As to throw out our eyes for brave Othello†¦" (II.i.36-40) In this text, we can see that he is a proven leader of men and known for his military knowledge and skills. As a matter of fact, his soldiers hold him in awe, and throughout the play he is referred to as a captain whom do his comrades respect. On the other hand, his noble attributes such as self-confidence, generous trust and love became the perfect concoction which eventually lead to his destruction. In other words his positive attributes are responsible for bringing out his negative side, his flaws in character. In the case of his self-confidence, it is clear at first that... ...struction in Othello himself of all the ordering powers of love, of trust, of the bond between human beings. Obviously Othello portrays the characteristics of a tragic hero. He clearly was a man of nobility, of noble character and held in a very high estate. He was discussed in this play by displaying his positive traits which man continues to search for in order to fulfill a happy life. His traits quickly came crashing down because of character flaws in other people such as deceit, fraud, selfishness, hatred, and a deep desire for revenge. Following Othello's trust for his good friend Iago, he clearly demonstrated flaws in the forms of judgments, jealousy, loss of self-control and his lack of self confidence in himself. All this eventually lead to the murder of Desdemona whom he continued to love through the end and his own eventual self inflicted death.
Monday, January 13, 2020
How might it influence an approach to international politics? Essay
In British usage the definition becomes derogatory precisely at the time that the idea of the modern nation-state is becoming ever more dominant. If we turn to the American voice of Emerson, though, a clear difference in tone emerges. We may see Emerson seek to determine the dualism between the local and the universal without recourse to the particular structures of state government. Emerson’s Kantianism is obvious in â€Å"Politics,†where he claims that â€Å"a conceptual of the codes of nations would be a transcription of the common conscience. †In Emerson’s description of the new man we can also hear the particular bulk of nineteenth-century American political thought become conjugal to this cosmopolitanism, as he calls for â€Å"men who are at home in each latitude and longitude, men of universal politics, who are involved in things in proportion to their truth and extent. †(Stephen E. Wicher, 1957), 309 This is certainly an enlarged view of the world, one in which the particular vigor and adventurousness of Americans will lead towards a lately refreshed cosmopolitanism. Cosmopolitanism in this framework seems to grow directly out of the power of individual men, almost bypassing the community completely, and in this way the tension between local and universal appears to be determined. Yet obviously Emerson’s thought also rests resolutely on its particular understanding of the American individuality and its relationship to the world. One might say then that his universalism is beached in the United States, much as Montesquieu was grounded in France. Until it is practically eclipsed by nationalist emotion in the last years of the nineteenth century, this fundamentally paradoxical cosmopolitan receptivity lurks within much American social discourse, emerging not simply in the appeal to universal humanism which surrounds the new discourses of social improvement in the 1890s, but also in the popular press discussions concerning American achievements in science, technology, and world exploration. Though, cosmopolitanism comprises politically compelling reasons. If cosmopolitanism cannot bring an explicitly and directly political program, it is at least a step toward this kind of internationalist political education. Cosmopolitanism is a condition that concerns to only a fraction of humanity who can give it. A common stereotype of cosmopolitans illustrates privileged, politically uncommitted elites – made up of wealthy corporate managers and (a few! ) academics and intellectuals – who retain their condition on the basis of autonomous wealth and a globetrotting lifestyle. In this classification, cosmopolitanism is a matter of consumption, an obtained taste for music, food, fashion, art, and text from all parts of the world. Second, cosmopolitanism refers to a principles or philosophy. modern political philosophers lean to divide themselves into communitarians, who believe that moral principles and obligations are or must be grounded in specific groups and contexts, and cosmopolitans. The final urge us to see ourselves as ‘citizens of the world’, forming a worldwide moral community of humanity unswerving to universal ideals of human rights. An alternative of this extensive argument is whether cosmopolitanism can be submissive with nationalism and patriotism. Third, the idea is used to refer to a political project, a new order of transnational political structures exercising what is at times described as ‘cosmopolitan democracy’. The idea implies a layer of global governance which limits the dominion of states and yet is not itself a world state. Cosmopolitan institutions would co-exist with states and would supersede their authority in particular spheres of activity. The institutions most considered for their potential to assist in the comprehension of such a cosmopolitan project are the United Nations and the European Union. the majority of the work on this topic remains somewhat abstract. A remarkable exception is the work of Martha Nussbaum, who has detailed a detailed vision of cosmopolitan education. In the study of international relations, David Held is the leading scholar and supporter of cosmopolitan democracy. For Held, ‘cosmopolitanism . . . seems to explicate, and offer a compelling elucidation of, the classical conception of belonging to the human community first and foremost, and the Kantian conception of subjecting all beliefs, relations and practices to the test of whether or not they allow open-ended interaction, uncoerced agreement and impartial judgment’ (Held 2002 : 64). Beck argues that the initiative of Americanization suggests a national understanding of globalization that is defectively adapted to the transnational world of the Second Modern Age. Rather, he proposes ‘rooted cosmopolitanism’, a cosmopolitanism that draws uniformly on the local. This serves to disperse the binary thinking that still tends to distinguish discussions on post-colonialism. The ‘otherness’ of others is renowned, and at the same time the sociological mind can be freed from its methodological nationalism and can grip a cosmopolitan perspective, with all the consequences this entails for the field.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Data Collection Procedures And Sample Profile - 1551 Words
3. Methods 3.1. Data collection procedures and sample profile We studied Portuguese firms for which exporting is a necessity because of the country’s small domestic market (OECD, 2014). According to AICEP Portugal (September, 2015), the principal destination for export goods is the EU28 (mainly Spain, France, Germany, UK), followed by NAFTA and PALOP. Portuguese firms provide an interesting case for our study because internationalization cannot be based solely on cost advantages but also requires a solid product base derived from innovation. A common measure of internationalization is the proportion of foreign sales over total sales (FSTS) for a particular firm (Pla-Barber and Alegre, 2007). We used a random sample of 950 exporting firms from the financial database SABI, the Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System, provided by Informa DB ( and data from the Portuguese governmental agency database (AICEP). Data collection involved senior executives, whom we contacted by phone and by email. We explained the purpose of the study and assured confidentiality. A questionnaire was distributed online with two follow-up phone reminders approximately three weeks after the initial mailing. We received 130 usable questionnaires, a response rate of 14%, which is acceptable for mail surveys studying international operations (Harzing, 1999). After data purification, and to ensure that only those firms with FSTS of at least 5% were included in our sample, a total of 120Show MoreRelatedMarketing Information System1318 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is a marketing information system (MIS)? †¢ Marketing information system (MIS) is a set of procedures and methods for the regular, planned collection, analysis and presentation of information for use in marketing decisions’ †¢ Consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. †¢ Function: Assess, Develop and Distribute Information. Marketing Information System Read MoreDna Testing And The Second Amendment1276 Words  | 6 PagesDNA testing was first used in criminal prosecutions in 1985 and is now admissible in all states. (Hails, 184) Scientific and legal communities seem to universally accept the use of DNA as â€Å"good†evidence. 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